New Nordic food from the Wadden Sea.

Fanø – natures pearl in the Wadden Sea.

Old lifeboat.

Old lifeboat.

Når man bor i København kan Fanø godt syntes MEEEGET langt væk, men det er en skam for jeg tror ærlig talt ikke vi har noget herovre, der kan måle sig med den skønne plet på Danmarks kortet, og specielt ikke den sydlige by Sønderho. Byen blev da også kåret som Danmarks smukkeste landsby for et par år siden.

When you live in Copenhagen Fanoe can seem VERY far away, but it’s a shame because I don’t think we have anything over here that can compare with that scenic spot on the Denmark map, and especially the southern city of Sønderho.The city was chosen as Denmark‘s most beautiful village a couple of years ago.

"Kåveren" is a navigation mark rebuilt in 2011.

“Kåveren” is a navigation mark rebuilt in 2011.

Vi havde en weekend derovre, og vi kom ikke længere end til Sønderho, der er så hyggeligt og masser at se, hvis du kun har 2 dage. Det føltes som at gå en tur i den gamle by (i Århus) når du begiver dig rundt i de små snørklede gader med de små fiskerhuse.

We spend a weekend overthere and we did only see Sønderho, which is so cozy and there is plenty to see, if you only have 2 days. It felt like walking in the old city (Aarhus) when you head around the narrow winding streets of the city with the small fishing houses. DSC_8648

Fanø kunstmuseum kan du se nogle af deres største malere fra 1800 tallet og frem til de moderne nulevende kunstnere. En af deres største kunstnere er Johan Julius Exner der levede fra 1825-1910 og malede mange portrætter.

At Fanoe art museum you can see some of their greatest painters from the 1800s to the contemporary artists. One of their biggest artists Johan Julius Exner who lived from 1825-1910 and painted many portraits.

Exners room at Fanoe Museum.

Exners room at Fanoe Museum.

Exners room at Fanoe Museum.

Fanoe bride painted by J.J. Exner.

Another painter from Fanoe is August G C Wilckens, who painted these boys.

Another painter from Fanoe is August G C Wilckens, who painted these boys.

Af de nulevende Fanø kunstnere er Marie-Louise Exner, der er den tipoldebarn af J.J.Exner, og Mette Rishøj der har malet et moderne maleri af “Kåveren”.

From the living Fanoe artists is Marie-Louise Exner who is the great-granddaughter of J.J.Exner and Mette Rishøj who did a modern painting of “Kåveren”.

Marie Louise Exner 1967

Marie Louise Exner 1967

Mette Rishøj, Kåveren.

Mette Rishøj, Kåveren.

Af skiftende udstillinger har de frem til slut august 2016, “Husk mit navn” med hans humoristiske tegninger og malerier.

The temporary exhibition is until end August 2016, “Husk mit navn” with his humorous drawings and paintings.

Two men made of clothes and paper by "Husk mit navn"

Two men made of clothes and paper by “Husk mit navn”

Byen har butikker med lokale kunstnere. Da Fanø er det sted man kan finde mest rav i Danmark er der naturligvis en sølvsmed med smykker prydet med lokal rav. Og en designer der har specialiseret sig i modeller i silke. På en gård “Uldsnedkeren” har Lis Brink samlet garn og skind fra hendes Gotlandsfår. Meget hyggelig butik med alt godt fra både lokale, men også andre steder fra.(mener ikke sælskindet var fra de sæler du kan opleve ude på bankerne udfor Fanø).

The town has shops with local craft. Fanoe is the place in Denmark to find the largest amount of amber, so obviosly there is a silversmith, whos jewelry is made with local amber. And a designer who specializes in fashion in silk. On a farm “Uldsnedkeren”, Lis Brink sells  yarn and skins from her own Gotland sheeps. Very cozy shop with both locals and other products. (Do not think the sealskin was from the seals you can experience out on the banks of Fanoe).

Outside the silk shop.

Outside the silk shop and on the other side of the street is the amber jewellery.

Uldsnedkeren where you can buy yarn and skind from the local sheeps.

Uldsnedkeren where you can buy yarn and skind from the local sheeps.

Men du skal også huske at vandre en tur langs vadehavet, de brede strande, hvor tidevandet på få timer kan ændre landskabet er dybt fasinerende. Du kan finde alt fra de smukkeste sneglehuse til rygskjold fra 10-armede blæksprutter og endda rokkeæg, så husk en pose eller store lommer når du går på stranden.

But you should also remember to take a walk along the Wadden Sea, the broad beaches where the tide in a few hours can change the landscape is deeply fascinating. You can find everything from the most beautiful shells to the carapace from the 10-armed octopus and even In the sea you will find large stingrays eggs, remember a bag or large pockets when you walk on the beach.

There is a lot of birds by the Wadden Sea.

There is a lot of birds by the Wadden Sea.


Oyster and urchins found by the Wadden Sea.

Oyster and urchins found by the Wadden Sea.

The area was earlier covered with water but now it is meadow where the cows grass.

The area was earlier covered with water but now it is meadow where the cows grass.

Beach finds from the Wadden Sea. Stingrays egg, seashells, drift wood, clam and carapace from an octopus.

Beach finds from the Wadden Sea. Stingrays egg, seashells, drift wood, clam and carapace from an octopus.

Du skal også huske at gå forbi Sønderho kirke fra 1782. Den er helt specielt indrettet med bænke der vender flere veje. Og så er den kendt for alle sine kirkeskibe.

You should also remember to go by Sønderho church from 1782. It is very special decorated with benches facing several directions. And it’s known for all its ship models.

Sønderho church with the many ship models.

Sønderho church with the many ship models.

Sønderho church with the benches facing all directions.

Sønderho church with the benches facing all directions.

Sønderho church with burial grounds.

Sønderho church with burial grounds.

Og nede i byen finder du Nana’s Stue som også huser Fanø Flisesamling, som er ret interessant at se, så spis en frokost her eller gå bare forbi og se fliserne.

And down in the city you will find Nana’s Stue which also houses the Fanø Tile Collection, which is quite interesting to see, eat a lunch here or just walk by and see the tiles.

Nana's stue with the tile collection.

Nana’s stue with the tile collection.

4-pas is four different tiles put together to form a pattern.

4-pas is four different tiles put together to form a pattern.

Søndage har de et lille marked nede ved den gamle skole. Der har de lavet en ny gymnastik sal og for at holde den i den gamle stil er den nærmest gravet ned…Markedet er et typisk loppemarked, desværre ikke sådan vanvittig mange Fanø fliser eller andet der er typisk fra stedet, men hvad kan man næsten forvente.

Sundays they have a small market down by the old school. They have made a new gym and to keep it in the old style it is buried so some of it is under the ground level… The market is a typical flea market, not that many Fanoe tiles or other typical objects of the area, but what can you expect, it is cosy and has a good atmosphere.

Craftmen and women working on baskets on the market.

Craftmen and women working on baskets on the market.

We found some old fanoe tiles at the market.

We found some old fanoe tiles at the market.

oar from the lifeboat

oar from the lifeboat

Vil du finde ud af mere om Fanø, kan du finde endnu mere info her, og har du steder jeg skal se næste gang jeg kommer derover, så smid endelig tips i kommentarfeltet, jeg er nemlig ikke færdig med Fanø…

Do you want to find out more about Fanoe, you can find more info here, and do you have places I must see next time I go there, throw me a tips in the comments section, I is not finished with Fanoe yet …

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New Nordic food from the Wadden Sea.