New club in town.

Active kids are happy kids. / Aktive børn er glade børn.

Vi har som forældre de seneste år set tablets, telefoner og computere bliver en større og større del af børns hverdag, og ikke mindst – en større del af deres leg. De spiller både alene og med hinanden på nettet, og bruger mindre tid på at klatre i træer. Med farer for at lyde virkelig old-school, syntes jeg at frisk luft og fysisk aktivitet er vigtig for deres motorik, samvær og sundhed generelt. Med alle de undersøgelser der efterhånden er lavet, taler alt for at vi engang imellem skal have sparket dem ud og lege på god gammeldags facon.

Flora got very enthusiastic, and wanted to run to school the first days, to get faster through her first worlds in the app.

Flora got very enthusiastic, and wanted to run to school the first days, to get faster through her first worlds in the app.

We, as parents, have the recent years seen tablets, phones and computers become an increasingly important part of children’s daily lives, and not least – a larger part of their play. They play both alone and with each other online, and spend less time climbing trees. With danger of sounding really old-school, I thought that fresh air and physical activity is important for their motoric skills, intercourse and health in general. With all the studies that gradually are made, speak too that we sometimes have to kicked them out and play in a good old-fashioned way.

ReimaGO sensor made in cooperation with the watch brand Suunto.

ReimaGO sensor made in cooperation with the watch brand Suunto.

Men hvordan gør man det, så de også syntes det er sjovt og ikke en pligt. Vi er jo selv slemme til at sidde foran skærmen?og vi er jo trods alt deres rollemodeller. Jeg løber en del, som jer der følger bloggen og min instagram sikkert ved?.men det involvere ikke mine piger?.ærgerligt nok, jeg har forsøgt at lokke dem med ud, men sådan en søndag morgen fortrækker de, at putte under dynen med spil og film på deres devices.

But how do you do it, so they find it’s fun and not an obligation. We ourselves sit in front of the screen a lot … and we are, after all, their role models. I run a lot, as those of you who are following the blog and my instagram probably know … but it does not involve my girls … .sadly enough, I have tried to convience them it fun, but on a sunday morning they prefere to cuddle up in bed with a tablet and so games or movies.

Flora is checking how far she can go in her ReimaGo app. after being active.

Flora is checking how far she can go in her ReimaGo app. after being active.

Men for lidt tid siden blev jeg repræsenteret for ReimaGo, det er en lille sensor som kan sidde i en lomme på Reima?s tøj. Den tracker hvor meget barnet bevæger sig i løbet af dagen?.og så finder man pludselig ud af, at de faktisk ikke sidder helt så stille, som man nogen gange kunne frygte. Jeg gav min yngste datter på 10 år denne trøje med sensor og bad hende bære trøjen, når hun var til frikvarter og sådan i løbet af dagen. Det har været ret interessant at følge?hun bevæger sig nogen dage mere end 6 timer og andre dage ( faktisk desværre tit i weekenden) noget mindre, men vi har sat et target på 2 timer om dagen som minimum og det når hun så rigeligt 9 ud af 10 dage. Så måske er det ikke så bekymrende, som man går og forestiller sig. Men det sjove med sensoren er, at man installere en app på telefonen eller tablet (virker kun til IOS endnu) og så kommer barnet igennem forskellige verdner og får præmier, når det er rigtig godt?og så er der en forældre del, hvor man som forældre kan se, hvor meget de har bevæget sig i tid?

The parent section of the reimaGo app. Here you can follow when your child is active.

The parent section of the reimaGo app. Here you can follow when your child is active.

A couple of weeks ago I was introduced to ReimaGo, it is a small sensor that can be placed in a pocket on Reima’s clothing. This tracks how long the kid is active during the day … and then you suddenly realize, that they actually are quiet active during the days, as you sometimes might fear they wouldn’t. I gave my youngest daughter who is 10 years this shirt with sensors and asked her to wear the blouse, when she had a break in school and  during the day. It has been quite interesting to follow … she moves some days more than 6 hours and other days (actually unfortunately often on weekends) somewhat less, but we have set a target of 2 hours a day as minimum and that she reaches 9 of 10 days. So maybe it’s not as worrying as you imagine. But the fun with the sensor is to install an app on your phone or tablet (only works for IOS yet) and then your child can play and get through different worlds, where they get rewards when they have done really well … and then there is a parents section, where you as parents can see how much they have moved in hours …

The cardigan is perfect for this time of year, where it is in between seasons, not warm, but neither really cold yet.

The cardigan is perfect for this time of year, where it is in between seasons, not warm, but neither really cold yet.

Den er ret enkel at bruge og jeg vil tro for yngre børn vil den være endnu mere motiverende?grafikken er en smule barnlig, men jeg vil mene der er masser af udviklingsmuligheder på spillet og app?en. Så vi skal ihverttilfælde ud og bruge den meget mere. Og i den anledning var jeg på rundtur på nettet for at finde funktionelt og praktisk outdoor jakke til Flora, som er lidt af en drengepige?hun vil faktisk allerhelst ud og give den gas i naturen, så derfor skal hendes tøj kunne holde til lidt af hvert. En side Engelbert Strauss med arbejdstøj fangede min interesse, for hvis arbejdstøj er deres speciale må funktionaliteten og slidstyrken vel være i top, så måske man skulle prøve at købe hendes vinterjakke her. Priserne er meget rimmelige og det ser også smart ud?jeg har kig på denne jakke til Flora.

Practical jacket for kids found at Engelbert

Practical jacket for kids found at Engelbert

It is quite simple to use and I would think for younger children will be even more motivating … the graphics are a bit childish, but I would say there are plenty of opportunities for development of the game and app. So we must At any event out and use it more. And in this connection I was on tour on the web to find a functional and practical outdoor jacket for Flora, who is a bit of a tomboy … she’ll actually prefere to be outside and play, so therefore her clothes has to withstand a lot. One site called Engelbert with workwear caught my interest,  if workwear is their specialty the functionality and durability must be the best, so maybe you should try to buy her winter jacket here. Prices are very reasonable and it also looks smart … I have been looking at this jacket for Flora.

Still wearing the Cardigan fra Reima even though there is not much activity on this fishing trip.

Still wearing the Cardigan from Reima even though there is not much activity on this fishing trip.

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New club in town.