Orange fashion, food og funky fleamarket finds.

Heimtextil shows the new trends.

På messen Heimtextil i Frankfurt satser de på den positive udvikling indenfor hotel branchen og byggeindustrien. Udstillerne viste alt fra tapeter til madrasser…og alt der imellem. Hovedparten lå dog på sengelinned, pynte puder, tæpper, metervarer til møbelpolstring og gardiner.

At the fair Heimtextil in Frankfurt, they pursue the positive development in the hotel industry and the construction industry. The exhibitors showed everything from wallpapers for mattresses and everything in between. The majority, however, lay on the bed linen, cushions, carpets, fabrics for upholstery and curtains.

This hanging from a tree in my garden...would be Well-being for me. Seen at Heimtextil Theme park 2016.

This hanging from a tree in my garden…would be Well-being for me. Seen at Heimtextil Theme park 2016.

Jeg havde valgt at fokusere på trend området, og et område med upcycling af textiler, hvor unge designere havde boltret sig…Begge områder var virkelig spændende…i denne post vil jeg fortælle jer lidt om de kommende tendenser indenfor interiør. Messen har haft 6 trend- og design bureauer til i samarbejde at udvikle disse tendenser.

I had chosen to focus on the trend area, and an area for upcycling of textiles, where young designers had indulged … Both areas were really exciting in this post I will tell you about the coming trends in interiors. Heimtextil has had six trend and design agencies to work together to develop these trends.

De 6 bureauer er:

The 6 agencies are:

WGSN London, Stijlinstituut Amsterdam, Felix Diener Düsseldorf, Dan Project Tokyo, Franklin Till Studio London & Exalis for Carlin International Paris.

Hovedtemaet kaldte de Well-Being, det var herefter delt op i 4 under kategorier. Nemlig Protect, Energise, Enrich og Nourish.

Generelt for alle temaerne gælder det om at vigtigheden i at bringe menneskelige elementer tilbage ind i design. Der bliver lagt mere vægt på vores sanser, og hvordan vi regere på bestemte stimuli. Man udfordre stadig måder at blande det kunstigt fremstillede med det naturlige. Gamle håndværk bliver udfordret af ny teknologi for at priotere både funktion og udseende.

The main theme called Well-Being, was divided into four sub-categories, Protect, Energise, Enrich and Nourish. In generel for all four themes, it is all about bringing the human elements back into design is essential. There will be more emphasis on the senses and how we react on certain stimuli. There will still be a challenge in finding ways to blend the artificial with the natural. Craftspeople are blending ancient know-how with new technology to prioritize both functionality and beauty.


Driven by a greater need to retreat and disconnect in an “always connected” world.

Meditation, spirituel, mindfulness, balance, clean aesthetichs, new nutrition, wellness, detoxification, softness, cocooning, unplug, texture, transperancy, serenity and silence.protect 1Check out the ceiling where there is an artwork Projecting Napping made by “Dawn of Man”. It is an art collective from Brooklyn NYC, specializing in digital art shown at public places in large scale. protect 2

The colours for this theme is black and brown as the darker ones. All the others are very bright and clean nude, grey, sand, eggshell and light mint.


The digital world is extending into our physical world, light becomes a new material shaping immaterial forms and illuminating dynamic shapes.

Iredescence, active, sports influences, luminotherapy, innovative materials, transperancy, light, reflections, kaleidoscope, dynamic, reflective surfaces, digital, fluorescent, saturated, vibrant, electric, geometric, glowing, laser cut and technology.

Future technology and a variety of bold colours and textures.

Future technology and a variety of bold colours and textures.

Mycoocoon where you could find out which colour mood you need rigth now and in the coocoon you will be feed with the colour in light, sound and smell.

Mycoocoon where you could find out which colour mood you need right now and in the coocoon your senses will be feed with the colour in light, sound and smell.


The fusion of nature with the urban landscape begins to give birth to a new world where architecture becomes versatile and design embraces an adaptable ethos.

Urban, nature, green obsession, natural symbiosis, organic design, natural textures, mobile gardens, enviromental elements, substainability, eco, handicraft, vegetal, flexible, raw fibres and beauty of green.

The area for Nourish was filled with botanic. Dried plants and fresh wre growing as a vertical garden.

The area for Nourish was filled with botanic. Dried plants between glass and fresh were growing as a vertical garden.

a glimpse of the natural coocoon, filled with natural fibers mixed with urban look.

a glimpse of the natural coocoon, filled with natural fibers mixed with urban look.


Dressing for the occasion stems from fashion, to interior design and beyond. The quest is for opulence and richly decorative elements that blend cultural references with the past and the future.

Sophistication, craftmanship, opulent, ornamental, luxury, asian influence the classics, metallics, theatrical, profound, luxurious drama, tarnished gold, rich decorated and velvet.Enrich 1Enrich 2next year the Heimtextil will be from 10 – 13 January 2017.

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Orange fashion, food og funky fleamarket finds.