News at Northmodern.

Interior “Tendence”.

Så er jeg lige kommet hjem efter et par inspirerende dage på Messen “Tendence” i Frankfurt. Den bød på en gensyn med flere danske udstillere, og også danske udstillere jeg ikke kendte fordi deres hovedmarkeder er syd for grænsen, så de udstiller ikke alle sammen på messerne herhjemme.

I just arrived after a couple of inspiring days at the fair “Tendence” in Frankfurt. Several of the Danish exhibitors I had meet before on other fairs this season, but I also meet some Danish exhibitors I did not know, because their main markets are the southern Europe, so they do not exhibit at the fairs in Denmark.20160828_133425

Det store samtale emne var planerne om at flytte messen til 24 – 27Juni i 2017. Dvs. den vil være den første i en perlerække af interiør messer i Europa. Stemningen var både for og imod blandt de udstillere vi talte med. Messe arrangørerne MesseFrankfurt begrundede flytningen med, at det var vigtigt for indkøberne at få lagt ordrene tidligt. Derudover ønsker de at få flere produktgrupper med, så messen bliver mere attraktiv for store internationale kunder. Én af dem bliver outdoor furniture, som jeg personligt glæder mig til at se mere af.

The big topic of conversation was the plans to move the show to 24 – 27 of June in 2017. Then it will be the first in a string of interior fairs in Europe. The atmosphere was both for and against among the exhibitors we spoke with. Exhibition organizers “Messe Frankfurt” explained the move with the importance for the buyers to place the orders early. In addition, they want to exhibit more product groups, so the fair become more attractive to major international customers. One of the product groups you can expect to see is outdoor furniture that I personally am looking forward to see more of.

Paper Vase by Marie Michielssen this is sold by Serax.

Paper Vase by Marie Michielssen this is sold by Serax.

For mig som trend hungrende design junkie, var det en fornøjelse, at se så mange danske brands og jeg må faktisk også indrømme, at det er deres designsprog, der falder mest i min smag. Så en stor del af dem jeg gerne vil fremhæve  dernede fra er danske.

For me as a trend-hungry design junkie, it was a pleasure to see so many Danish brands and I have to admit that it is their design language, that appeals to me. So a great part of the brands I would like to highlight from Tendence is Danish.

Hermed nogle af de brands der satte et markant aftryk  på min nethinde. Først PYTT living…nyt dansk brand, der så dagens lys i 2015. det hele startede med at de havde adgang til nogle lækre tekstiler, men hurtigt indså at på puder og tæpper var der stor konkurrence på, og måske ikke så store udviklingsmuligheder. Så de tog tekstilerne og lavede alt muligt andet udover de mere typiske sengetøj og sofa puder. De har nemlig lavet alt fra akustik dæmpende plader, der kan danne et helt kunstværk på væggen til bøjler der hænger i enten en læder eller textil strop.

Here are some of the brands that put a significant footprint on my mind. First PYTT living a new Danish brand that was launched in 2015. it all started with that they had access to some ful textiles, but quickly realized that on pillows and blankets, there was great competition, and perhaps not so great development potential . So they took the textiles and made everything else in addition to the more typical bedding and couch cushions. They have made  everything from the acoustic damping plates that can form an entire piece of art on the wall to wooden coathangers that is hanging in a textile or leather strap.

New Danish design brand PYTT living.

New Danish design brand PYTT living.

In ever Danish home this 7'er chair by Arne Jacobsen is to be found, now PYTT have made them a full cover, they are absolutely they are absolutely brilliant.

In ever Danish home this 7’er chair by Arne Jacobsen is to be found, now PYTT have made them a full cover, they are absolutely brilliant.

They have also made headboard for your bed and bedlinen in the softest material the motif is cut so that none of them will become alike.

They have also made headboard for your bed and bedlinen in the softest material the motif is cut so that none of them will become alike.

Et andet brand som fangede min interesse var det hollandske design brand Puik art. Her udvælger Puik Art nogle designs fra forskellige unge upcoming designere som de sætter i produktion. Et super spændende projekt i konstant udvikling.
Another brand that caught my interest was the Dutch design brand Puik art. Here selects Puik Art some designs from various young and upcoming designers that they put into production. A super exciting project in constant development.
This winecooler is made of EPP. EPP is known for its strong isolating capacity, ready to keep your wine or champagne bottle cool! The cooler is deigned by Ernst Koning and sold through Puik art.

This winecooler is made of EPP. EPP is known for its strong isolating capacity, ready to keep your wine or champagne bottle cool! The cooler is deigned by Ernst Koning and sold through Puik art.

Glas and carafe designed with inspiration from the shape of a diamond. The designer is Lara Van Der Lugt.

Glas and carafe designed with inspiration from the shape of a diamond. The designer is Lara Van Der Lugt.

Lamp made of leather. This is shaped in wet condition and taken of the muld so it keeps the shape. It is designed by Erik de Nijs and Tim Smit of Nieuwe Heren.

Lamp made of leather. This is shaped in wet condition and taken of the muld so it keeps the shape. It is designed by Erik de Nijs and Tim Smit of Nieuwe Heren.

Danske Designer Ship gør lidt det samme, de udvælger nogle danske og internationale designere at samarbejde med. Alt i deres kollektion er nøje udvalgt, og på et meget højt design niveau. Jane Holmberg som har designet denne branch vase, var nomineret til Form prisen med hendes Rainbow bowls.

Danish Designer Ship does a bit of the same, they select some Danish and international designers to work with. Everything in their collection is carefully selected, and has a very high level of design. Jane Holmberg who designed this branch vase, was nominated for Form price with her Rainbow bowls.

The ceramic vase "branch" designed by Jane Holmberg and sold through Designer Ship.

The ceramic vase “branch” designed by Jane Holmberg and sold through Designer Ship.

The spectacular wall decoration is made by Sofie Børsting and the fantastic lamp is designed by DMOCH.

The spectacular wall decoration is made by Sofie Børsting and the fantastic lamp is designed by DMOCH.

Jeg har mange flere billeder og tendenser dernede fra så “stay tuned” der vil komme mere lækker interiør inden længe.

I have a lot more photos and trends from down there so “stay tuned” there will be more delicious interior shortly.



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